My blog on how to pack light & travel solo.

Packed full of tips & inspiration for 

travelling light and travelling solo .


What can you minimise in your travel toiletry bag?

Taking the entire contents of your bathroom cabinet is not an option when you travel light. But what products could you take that serve multiple purposes?

There are a number of toiletry items that can be used in different ways. If you want to give travelling light a go, then this is something you have to get your head around. 

You may have already reduced the amounts you take, and you've considered leaving a few non-essentials behind. But have you got any products that do more than one thing?

(No affiliate links in this post - just stuff I like!)

There's simply no way I could have travelled this light without taking items that did multiple jobs.

Coconut oil as an essential travel item.

Coconut oil is a great travel item to have in your toiletry bag. Why?

It can be used as...

  • A makeup remover
  • A night cream
  • For rough skin areas
  • For soothing eczema or psoriasis
  • To soften the soles of your feet
  • As a hair tonic
  • A small amount stops frizz and gives shine to your hair
  • A tropical scent - think palm trees, sand and sunshine
  • To give a shimmer to your cheek bones, even!

It's a wonderful multi-purpose tool to have in your travel kit.

Not just for eating - Coconut Oil - a great addition to your travel kit - in a smaller pottle, of course!

A multi-purpose soap bar.

A soap bar that's not just a soap is a huge space saver in your bag. And I don't think you can go past Dr Bonner's soap.

Imagine carrying one item that does all these jobs...

  • Body soap
  • Shampoo
  • Shaving bar
  • Laundry bar

You've just managed to remove three items on your packing list that you no longer need. How cool is that!

An incredibly versatile bar that does away with several other items in your travel kit.

Vaseline is light and versatile for travelling light.

Vaseline or Lucas' Papaw Ointment are other items that can do multiple jobs and save you valuable space and weight in your luggage. 

These ointments are great for...

  • Using on rough skin
  • As a lip gloss
  • Eyebrow conditioner, smoother and highlighter
  • Soothing chaffing.

Lucas' Papaw is great for healing too. It's used around the world on babies bottoms! 

Handy to have as part of your First Aid Kit as well as your toiletry bag.

Practice before you travel.

It is super important to give things a go BEFORE you leave on your trip. 

There's seriously nothing worse than trying something while you're a way for the first time and finding it's a complete fail on all levels!

You then have to go shopping for an alternative  - and they'll all come in huge containers. Or you have to hunt down you're favourite product. Such a waste of valuable travel time.

Check to see if a multi-purpose product will work on your skin or hair. It's OK if it doesn't - much better to find this out at home than when you're on the road.

Want more tips on packing light with toiletries and cosmetics? Check out this blog which covers it all.

Happy travel planning.

Katherine xo


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